2021 Wreckless Wred Blend from Wreckless Blenders

2021 Wreckless Wred


Merlot 40%, Sangiovese 20%, Barbera 20%, Touriga 10%, Primitivo 10%

Rocket Muses about the Wreckless Wred


When  he is not drinking his favorite beer, the Sexiest Man Alive drinks Wreckless Wred… of course he does…we’d like to think so, anyway. Catching arrows in flight? Parting the Wred Sea? Splitting atoms with his teeth? Jumping to the right conclusion every time? Yes to all.

Leonardo da Vinci? Very wreckless.  Alexander Hamilton? Writing wreckless. So, wreckless is as wreckless drinks… the Wreckless Wred is an Italian blend, barbera and sangiovese, secretly seasoned with a smattering of French and grapes hailing from the Iberian Peninsula West. 

Uncork adventure (and remember, the “W” is silent)